The Last Bet
Please read carefully the following key recommendations prior to submitting a report!

Employees, athletes, betting monitoring companies and even fans, are usually the first to know when something is going seriously wrong in a sporting competition and within the sports business environment. A culture of turning a “blind eye” to such problems means that the alarm is not sounded and those in charge do not get the chance to act before real damage is done.
Howard sells the opal to KG for $165K, but instead of paying Arno the money he owes, he sends Julia away with a big ol' bag of cash and an insane parlay bet to place on the playoff game that night. The picture to the right illustrates the Hebrew alphabet, in Hebrew alphabetical order. Note that Hebrew is written from right to left, rather than left to right as in English, so Alef is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and Tav is the last. The Hebrew alphabet is often called the 'alef-bet,' because of its first two letters.
You can make the difference by completing an online report now!

The Last Bethlehem Star
Who can make a report?
Any person or entity who has knowledge of, has witnessed or has reasonable grounds to suspect that an alleged crime and or misconduct has occurred in international sport.
How does online reporting work?
- Your report will automatically generate a confidential case file and alert SIU management.
- We review the anonymous information we receive and collect, analyse and collate all relevant key points. An alert is then produced that is suitable for further inquiry and or re-allocation to the appropriate governing jurisdiction.
Is my anonymity protected?
- Yes! Your anonymity is protected.
- SIU does not track ISP addresses.
- Independent 3rd party secure technical reporting framework in place.
- Rapporteur provided with a secure mailbox, ID code and password.
- Rapporteur may provide an email or remain anonymous.
- SIU Investigators operate high-grade encryption.
How can I protect my identity?

The Last Beyblade
- We advise you not to report using a work server or issued mobile device/laptop.
- Advised to use a VPN to mask ISP.
- Remove all metadata from attachments prior to sending.
- Not to advise other colleagues or friends of your report.
- Use a password protected device.
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The Last Bet
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