How To Recover Lost Money In Casino
1recover money
flat money — неразменные бумажные деньги
lodge money — сдавать деньги на хранение
to wallow in money — купаться в деньгах
English-Russian base dictionary >recover money
2recover money
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь >recover money
3recover money
вернуть деньги обратноАнгло-русский словарь экономических терминов >recover money
4recover money
2) Деловая лексика:получать деньги обратноУниверсальный англо-русский словарь >recover money
5to recover money
{to }recover one's outlayEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics >to recover money
6to recover money
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy >to recover money
1) деньги, платежное средство3) (plmoneys,monies) денежные суммы, средства
- accounting money
- accumulated money
- active money
- adulterated money
- advance money
- allotment money
- application money
- bad money
- bank money
- bargain money
- barren money
- black money
- bogus money
- bookkeeping money
- borrowed money
- bottle return money
- call money
- caution money
- central bank money
- charter money
- cheap money
- check book money
- checking account money
- coined money
- commodity money
- conduct money
- conscience money
- convertible money
- counterfeit money
- credit money
- current money
- current account money
- danger money
- day-to-day money
- dead money
- dear money
- demand money
- deposit money
- depreciated money
- dirty money
- dispatch money
- drug money
- earnest money
- easy money
- effective money
- elastic money
- electronic money
- end money
- even money
- excess money
- extra money
- fall money
- false money
- fiat money
- fiduciary money
- floating money
- forfeit money
- forged money
- fractional money
- fresh money
- funk money
- gate money
- genuine money
- good faith money
- hand money
- hard money
- hat money
- hot money
- housekeeping money
- hush money
- idle money
- incentive money
- inconvertible paper money
- insurance money
- irredeemable paper money
- key money
- lawful money
- legal tender money
- loanable money
- local money
- long-term mons
- loose money
- lot money
- managed money
- medium-term mons
- metal money
- mortgage money
- near money
- neutral money
- new money
- nonphysical money
- odd money
- old money
- option money
- overnight money
- overtime money
- paper money
- paperless money
- passage money
- pension money
- period money
- pin money
- pocket money
- portfolio money
- prize money
- promotion money
- public money
- purchase money
- push money
- quasi money
- quick money
- rag money
- ready money
- real money
- redemption money
- redundancy money
- rent money
- representation and mission money
- representative money
- retention money
- returned earnest money
- salvage money
- seed money
- short money
- short-term money
- slush money
- smart money
- soft money
- spare money
- spending money
- stable money
- standard money
- substitute money
- tax money
- tight money
- till money
- time money
- token money
- trust money
- uncovered paper money
- universal money
- up-front money
- vault money
- world money
- money at call
- money at long
- money at medium term
- money at short
- money down
- money due
- money in cash
- money in circulation
- money in hand
- money of account
- money on account
- money on call
- money on checking account
- money on current account
- money on deposit
- money on loan
- money only
- money graduated from taxation
- money held in trust
- money lying idle
- mons received
- money tied up in nonproductive assets
- at the money
- short of money
- accommodate with money
- advance money
- advance money on securities
- allocate money
- appropriate money
- be pressed for money
- borrow money
- borrow money flat
- borrow money at interest
- borrow money on pledge
- borrow money on a policy
- call money
- call in money
- change money
- channel money offshore
- claim money
- coin money
- collect money
- convert into money
- debase on one's own monies
- deposit money
- deposit money at a bank
- deposit money with a bank
- draw money from an account
- draw money from a bank
- draw money out
- expend money
- extract excess money from circulation
- find money for smth
- forfeit the earnest money
- furnish money
- generate money through normal economic activity
- get money
- get one's money back
- grant money
- handle money
- have money at a bank
- have money in a bank
- have money with a bank
- hoard money
- invest money
- invest money at a bank
- invest money with a bank
- invest money at interest
- issue money
- keep money at a bank
- keep money in a bank
- keep money with a bank
- lend money
- lend money at interest
- lend money on interest
- lend money free of interest
- lend money on goods
- lend money on an insurance policy
- lend money on mortgage
- lend money on security
- lend money on stock
- lodge money
- lose money
- make money
- misappropriate money
- obtain money
- obtain money by a trick
- pay money into an account
- pay money into a bank
- pay back money
- pay out money
- place money in escrow
- place money on deposit
- pool money
- push up money
- put money into a bank
- put money into life insurance companies
- put money into a savings account
- put money on term deposit
- put money to reserve
- put aside money
- put out money
- raise money
- recall money from circulation
- receive money for smth
- receive money on a bill
- recover money
- redeem money from circulation
- redistribute money
- refund money
- relend money
- remit money
- repatriate offshore money
- repay money
- replace borrowed money
- reserve money
- return earnest money
- run into money
- save money
- send money
- set aside money
- shelter money abroad
- sink money
- spend money
- squander money
- take money on account
- take up money
- tie up money in land
- tie up liquid mons
- transfer money
- turn into money
- waste money
- withdraw money from an account
- withdraw money from a bank
- withdraw money from a business
- withdraw money from circulationEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics >money
plmoneys, monies2) денежные суммы, средства- accumulated money- adulterated money- agreed money- allotment money- bad money- bank deposit money- barren money- bogus money- borrowed money- caution money- cheap money- checking account money- convertible money- credit money- current account money- day-to-day money- dear money- demand money- depreciated money- earned money- easy money- elastic money- even money- expensive money- false money- fiduciary money- forfeit money- fractional money- funk money- good faith money- hard money- hush money- ill-gotten money- incoming money- insurance money- lawful money- loanable money- long-term moneys- lot money- managed money- mortgage money- new money- overnight money- paper money- passage money- period money- prize money- public money- quasi money- ready money- redemption money- rent money- retention money- seed money- short-term money- slush money- smart money- spare money- standard money- tax money- till money- token money- unexpended money- up-front money- money at call- money at medium term- money down- money in cash- money in hand- money on account- money on checking account- money on deposit- accommodate with money- advance money on securities- borrow money- borrow money at interest- borrow money on pledge- call money- channel money offshore- collect money- debase on one's own monies- deposit money at a bank- draw money from a bank- draw money out- furnish money- get money- have money at a bank- invest money at a bank- issue money- keep money in bank accounts- lend money at interest- lend money on collateral- lend money on mortgage- lend money on pledge- lend money on securities- lodge money- make money- obtain money- pay money into an account- pay back money- place money in escrow- pool money- put money into a bank- put money into a savings account- put aside money- raise money- receive money- receive money on deposit- redeem money from circulation- reimburse money- remit money- repay money- reserve money- return earnest money- send money- shelter money abroad- sink money- squander money- transfer money- waste money- withdraw money from a bank- withdraw money from circulation- money only- money held in trust- moneys received- money unbacked by gold- at the moneyEnglish-russian dctionary of diplomacy >money
9recover an amount of money
1) Дипломатический термин:взыскать сумму денег, получить деньги обратно2) Банковское дело:взыскивать сумму денег, получать деньги обратноУниверсальный англо-русский словарь >recover an amount of money
10recover one's money
Универсальный англо-русский словарь >recover one's money
11recover ... amount of money
Англо-русский экономический словарь >recover ... amount of money
12recover an amount of money
Англо-русский экономический словарь >recover an amount of money
13recover the amount of money
Англо-русский экономический словарь >recover the amount of money
14recover an amount of money
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам >recover an amount of money
15recover an amount of money
• получить деньги обратноАнгло-русский дипломатический словарь >recover an amount of money
16up-front money
Up-front money is the bane of broker-dealer recruitment, because it is necessary to attract the best veterans, but difficult to recover when the broker leaves too soon. — Авансовые платежи — это бич для дилерско-брокерских отношений, поскольку они необходимы для привлечения ветеранов, но их трудно компенсировать в случае скорого ухода брокера.
Англо-русский экономический словарь >up-front money
17to recover an amount of money
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy >to recover an amount of money
18вернуть деньги обратно
to recover moneyБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь >вернуть деньги обратно
How To Get Back Money Lost At Casino
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recover — re·cov·er /ri kə vər/ vt 1: to get back or get back an equivalent for recover costs through higher prices 2 a: to obtain or get back (as damages, satisfaction for a debt, or property) through a judgment or decree recover damages in a tort action… … Law dictionary
money claim — A claim to recover money as opposed to a claim for a remedy other than money (for example, for the return of an item, or for an injunction). Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. 2010 … Law dictionary
money had and received — a form of action that lay to recover money paid under mistake or compulsion or for a failed consideration. It also covered cases where the defendant had acquired money from the plaintiff by a tortious act. Many of these cases are now considered… … Law dictionary
recover — [[t]rɪkʌ̱və(r)[/t]] ♦♦♦ recovers, recovering, recovered 1) VERB When you recover from an illness or an injury, you become well again. [V from n/ ing] He is recovering from a knee injury... A policeman was recovering in hospital last night after… … English dictionary
recover — re‧cov‧er [rɪˈkʌvə ǁ ər] verb 1. [intransitive] to increase or improve after falling in value or getting worse: • Its shares plunged at the start of trading, but recovered to close only slightly down. 2. [transitive] FINANCE to get back money… … Financial and business terms
recover — 1 Recover, regain, retrieve, recoup, recruit can mean to get back something that has been let go or lost. Recover, the most comprehensive of these terms, may imply a finding or obtaining something material or immaterial that has been lost… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Money Management International — Type 501(C)(3) Corporation Founded 1997[1 … Wikipedia
Recover (song) — Single infobox Name = Recover Artist = The Automatic from Album = Not Accepted Anywhere B side = Song 6 Time=Money Jack Daniels Released = flagicon UKNovember 7, 2005 September 18, 2006(Re release) Length = flagicon UK2:57 Format = 7 , CD, CD… … Wikipedia
Money in the Bank (2011) — For the professional wrestling match, see Money in the Bank ladder match. Money in the Bank Promotional poster featuring The Big Show and Hornswoggle. Theme song(s) WWE: Money … Wikipedia
recover — 1 verb 1 GET BETTER (I) 2 a) to get better after an illness, accident, shock etc: After a few days of fever, he began to recover. (+ from): My boss is recovering from a heart attack. b) if something recovers after a period of trouble or… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
recover — I UK [rɪˈkʌvə(r)] / US [rɪˈkʌvər] verb Word forms recover : present tense I/you/we/they recover he/she/it recovers present participle recovering past tense recovered past participle recovered *** 1) [intransitive] to become fit and healthy again… … English dictionary
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How To Recover Lost Money In Casinos