Devil Dice Game Online
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Devil Dice (in Japan known as XI, pronounced sai) is a puzzle video game developed by Shift exclusively on PlayStation. It was originally created for the ' homebrew ' Net Yaroze platform, but it later turned into a commercial game. Released in 1998, it is one of only a handful of games to make the leap from Net Yaroze to commercial release.

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Devil Dice Game online, free

Devil Dice Game Online
- Devil Dice released in 1998 is a Puzzle game published by THQ SCEI developed by Shift for the platforms PlayStation PlayStation Network. Favorite Add to Favorites Devil Dice is a unique puzzle game, where the player controls a small devil that runs around a grid covered in large dice.
- Roman soldiers had made rudimentary dice from the knuckles of pigs, while Arabic dice games may date back even further. Even the most popular of all the dice games, craps, can be traced back as far as the crusades. IMAGE: UNSPLASH The History Of Craps An early form. Craps is the name of a casino game played with dice.
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